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Developer Guide

Architecture design

The HPC Toolkit FrontEnd is a web application integrating several front-end and back-end technologies. Django, a high-level Python-based web framework, forms the foundation of the web application. The back-end business logics can mostly be delegated to Terraform to create GCP cloud infrastructure required by the HPC clusters. With HPC Toolkit, there is no need to define infrastructure configurations from scratch. Rather, a high-level description of the clusters are provided for it to generate Terraform configurations.

The overall system design is described in the following figure:

System Design

In most cases, end-users are expected to use and communicate with the cloud systems via the FrontEnd. Of course, users from a traditional supercomputing background may wish to work with HPC clusters from the command line. This is entirely possible through the Slurm login nodes.

A single compute engine virtual machine, referred to as the service machine from now on, should be created to host the application server, webserver and database server. In large productions, these servers can of course be hosted on different machines if desired.

The web application is built upon Django, a Python framework to develop data-driven dynamic websites. An nginx server is configured to serve the static files of the website, as well as proxying Django URLs to the application server. (Uvicorn is the chosen application server). Application data is stored in a file-based SQLite database which can be easily replaced by a managed SQL service for large production environments.

From the web application, HPC clusters can be created on GCP by administrators. A typical HPC cluster contains a single Slurm controller node, and one or more login nodes, typically all running on low- to mid-range virtual machines. The controller node hosts the Slurm job scheduler. Through the job scheduler, compute nodes can be started or terminated as required. The controller node and login nodes all provide public IP addresses for administrators or users to SSH into, although doing so is not mandatory as day-to-day tasks can be performed via the web interface.

The Slurm job scheduler supports partitions. Each partition can have compute nodes of different instance types. All major HPC capable instance types can be supported from a single cluster if so desired. Of course, it is also possible to create multiple clusters, which is entirely an operational decision by the administrators.

For each cluster, two shared filesystems are created to host a system directory for applications and a home directory for users' job data. Additional filesystems can be created or imported, to be mounted to the clusters.

For each deployment, a GCS bucket is created to hold supporting files, including configurations to build the service machine, and Ansible configurations to set up various Slurm nodes. The same GCS bucket is also served as a long-term backup to application and job data, including log files for most cloud operations and selected files created by jobs.

Communication between the service machine and clusters is handled by Pub/Sub. For technical details, consult the Cluster Command & Control document. Alternatively, there is an API layer around Django to allow incoming communication to the service machine.

Deploy the system

Please follow the deployment section in the Administrator’s Guide to deploy the system for testing and development.

Here are some notes from a developer's perspective:

  • The deployment is done using Terraform.
  • When is invoked, it validates the client machine's development environment, collects configuration information from user, save input variables in tf/terraform.tfvars, and invoke Terraform.
  • The deploy script will check the GCP project being used has the correct APIs enabled. The list of required APIs is embedded in script - this will need to be maintained.
  • The deploy script will also, optionally, use an additional script, script/, to create a GCP service account. This sets the correct roles/permissions on the account based on a list kept in the script - this will need to be maintained.
  • Terraform creates a hosting VPC and a subnetwork for the deployment, together with the necessary firewall rules.
  • Terraform creates a supporting GCS bucket. This bucket is not only used during deployment, but also provides a long-term storage for clusters operating within this deployment.
  • Terraform sets up a Pub/Sub topic for communication between the service machine and clusters.
  • Terraform provisions a compute engine virtual machine to be the service machine. A startup script is then executed on the service machine to set up the software environment for HPC Toolkit and Django, and start the web and application servers.

Access the service machine

By default, access to the service machine is restricted to authorised users (the owner/editor of the hosting GCP project or other users delegated with sufficient permissions). Use one of the following two methods to access the system after a new deployment:

  • SSH into the service machine directly from the GCP console of the hosting GCP project.
  • Edit the hosting VM instance by uploading the public SSH key of a client machine to grant SSH access.

Immediately after login, run sudo su -l gcluster to become the gcluster user. This user account was created during the deployment to be the owner of the FrontEnd files.

Directory structures on service machine

The home directory of the gcluster account is at /opt/gcluster. For a new deployment, the following four sub-directories are created:

  • go - the development environment of the Go programming language, required to build Google HPC Toolkit
  • hpc-toolkit - a clone of the Google HPC Toolkit project. The ghpc binary should have already been built during the deployment. The frontend sub-directory contains the Django-based web application for the FrontEnd and other supporting files.
  • django-env - a Python 3 virtual environment containing everything required to support Django development. To activate this environment: source ~/django-env/bin/activate. Doing so may be required during the development, e.g., when running the Django script for administration tasks.
  • run -  directory for run-time data, including the following log files:
  • nginx-access.log - web server access log.
  • nginx-error.log - web server error log.
  • supvisor.log -  Django application server log. Python print from Django source files will appear in this file for debugging purposes.
  • django.log - additional debugging information generated by the Python logging module is writen here.

Run-time data

For cloud resources

Run-time data to support creating and managing cloud resources are generated and stored in the following sub-directories within hpc-toolkit/frontend on the service machine:

  • clusters/cluster_\<id> - holding run-time data for a cluster. \<id> here has a one-to-one mapping to the IDs shown in the frontend's cluster list page. The directory contains the following:
  • cluster.yaml - input file for ghpc, generated based on information collected from the web interface.
  • \<cluster_name>_\<random_id>/primary - Terraform files generated by ghpc to create the cluster, and log files from running terraform init/validate/plan/apply. Should there be a need to manually clean up the associated cloud resources, run terraform destroy here.
  • vpcs/vpc_\<id> - similar to above but holding run-time data for a virtual network. Currently creating custom mode VPC is not yet supported by HPC Toolkit. A custom set of Terraform configurations are used.
  • fs/fs_\<id> - similar to above but holding run-time data for a filesystem. Currently only GCP Filestore is supported.

Note that life cycles of VPCs and Filestores are managed independently to those of clusters.

For applications

Application data is stored in the shared filesystem /opt/cluster. It contains the following sub-directories:

  • /opt/cluster/spack contains a Spack v0.17.1 installation.
  • When applications are installed via the web interface, supporting files are saved in /opt/cluster/install/<application_id> where <application_id> can be located from the web interface.
  • For a Spack installation, a job script is generated to submit a Slurm job to the selected partition to run spack install of the desired package.
  • For a custom installation, a job script is generated to submit a Slurm job to the selected partition to execute which contains the custom installation steps.
  • After each successful installation, Spack application binaries are stored at /opt/cluster/spack/opt/spack/linux-centos7-<arch> where <arch> is the architecture of the processors on which the binaries get built, such as cascadelake or zen2.
  • Standard output and error files for Slurm jobs are stored in the working directories and also uploaded to the GCS bucket associated with the deployment at gs://<deployment_name>-<deployment_zone>-storage/clusters/<cluster_id>/installs/<application_id>/stdout|err so that they remain available even if the clusters are destroyed.

For jobs

Job data is stored in the shared filesystem /home/<username> for each user. Here <username> is the OS Login username, which is generated by Google and will be different from the user's normal UNIX name. The home directories contain the following:

  • When a job is submitted from the web interface, supporting files are saved in /home/<username>/jobs/<job_id> where <job_id> can be located from the web interface.
  • When running a Spack application, a job script is generated to submit a Slurm job. This script performs a spack load to set up the application environment and then invoke which contains the user-supplied custom commands to run the job.
  • Standard output and error files for Slurm jobs are uploaded to the GCS bucket associated with the deployment at the following URLs: gs://<deployment_name>-<deployment_zone>-storage/clusters/<cluster_id>/jobs/<job_id>/stdout|err.

Note that a special home directory is created at /home/root_jobs to host jobs submitted by the Django superusers. For convenience they do not need Google identities and their jobs are run as root on the clusters.

Django development

Database Design

Django is great at building data-driven applications. The major system components, such as clusters, applications, and jobs, can easily map to Django data models. The database design of this system is best shown with a UML diagram. This was generated using a function available in the Python django-extensions package (depending on the Python pydotplus package and graphviz package to create the image output). To generate the UML diagram, run from the command line:

python graph_models -a -X <classes_to_exclude> -o UML_output.png

To simplify the output and exclude Django's internal models, append a list of comma-separated class names after the -X flag. The result is shown below:


Note that the CloudResource model is at the base of all cloud resources including network components, storage components, compute instance (representing a single VM), clusters, and Workbenches.

Code Layout

The top few layers of the directory hierarchy of the HPC Toolkit FrontEnd define the major components:

dir description
hpc-toolkit/frontend/ Top level
.../cli/ client commandline interface
.../docs/ documentation
.../infrastructure_files/ Support files for deploying cloud infrastructure
.../tf/ Terraform files for deploying the HPC FrontEnd
.../website/ Source code for the HPC Frontend website

Infrastructure Files

dir description
.../frontend/infrastructure_files/ Top level
.../cluster_startup/ Bootstrap startup scripts
.../gcs_bucket/ Common configuration files (scripts, Ansible) to store in GCS
.../vpc_tf/ Terraform templates for creating VPCs
.../workbench_tf/ Terraform templates for creating Workbenches

These directories hold all the support infrastructure files which are used to create, provision, and initialize the cloud resources which may be created via the HPC Toolkit FrontEnd. The VPC Terraform and Workbench Terraform files may eventually migrate into HPC Toolkit YAML files.

The files under gcs_bucket contain the more in-depth startup scripts and configuration information for the FrontEnd webserver as well as for new clusters. During the initial deployment of the HPC Toolkit FrontEnd, this directory is copied to a new Google Cloud Storage bucket which is then used for storing these startup codes as well as additional cluster information, such as log files. When clusters are created in Google Cloud, the initial bootstrap template startup script (from the cluster_startup directory) are set to be the instance startup script. These scripts are responsible for downloading from Google Cloud Storage the Ansible repository which is stored in the gcs_bucket/clusters/ansible_setup/, and running Ansible to initialize the instance.

The source-code for the cluster client-side Command & Control daemon is stored here as well, under .../ansible_setup/roles/c2_daemon/files/


dir description
.../frontend/website/ Top level
.../ghpcfe/ Frontend Application dir
....../cluster_manager/ Utilities for cloud & backend operations
....../management/ Extra Django setup commands
....../migrations/ Database migration scripts
....../static/ Images, Javascript and other static web collateral
....../templates/ Web view templates
....../views/ Python files for model views
.../templates/ All-Social plugin Templates
.../website/ Django core website configuration (including
.../ Core Django application management script

As with many Django-based web applications, the HPC Toolkit FrontEnd Django application is broken across multiple directories, each responsible for some critical subcomponent of the overall application, implementing the MVT (model, view, template) architecture. The ghpcfe/ directory hosts the pieces specific to the HPC Toolkit FrontEnd, whereas the other directories are more Django-focused.

Under ghpcfe/, there are a variety of directories as show in the above table. Directly inside this directory is the majority of the Python files which make up the Frontend web application. Of particular interest would be, which stores the DB models and, for custom web forms. There are a sufficiently large number of Django views in the application, so the prototypical is broken into its own Python package.

Also under ghpcfe/ is the cluster_manager directory, which contains most of the "backend" code responsible for gathering cloud information as well as creating, controlling, and configuring cloud resources. Of particular interest here are the files:

  • Responsible for bidirectional communication between the FrontEnd and any created clusters.
  • Provides many utilities for querying information from Google Cloud about instance types, pricing, VPCs and so forth
  • Responsible for creating clusters and keeping track of local-to-frontend cluster metadata

Note that these "backend" functions are often invoked asynchronously if the tasks performed are time-consuming. Support to asynchronous views were introduced in Django v3.1.

Finally, templates directory contains the web view templates. Django ships with its own template engine to process these template files and insert dynamic contents to them.

Workbenches Architecture

The workbench process is fairly straight-forward. Gather configuration values from the FrontEnd and pass them to Terraform to control the creation of the workbench instance. This is done directly via Terraform as the HPC Toolkit does not currently support Vertex AI Workbenches.

Infrastructure files

Workbenches are created using a template configuration in hpc-toolkit/frontend/infrastructure_files/workbench_tf. The Terraform template was originally based on the Terraform template provided by the Google Cloud Platform Rad-Lab git repo however the configuration diverged during early development. The main reason for this divergence was to accommodate running the Jupyter notebook as a specific OSLogin user rather than the generic Jupyter user which would make it impossible to interact properly with any mounted shared storage.

The process of creating the workbench files is mostly contained within the file hpc-toolkit/frontend/website/ghpcfe/cluster_manager/ The copy_terraform() routine copies files from the infrastructure_files directory while the prepare_terraform_vars() routine creates a terraform.tfvars file within the hpc-toolkit/frontend/workbenches/workbench_## directory to provide the following info gathered by the FrontEnd during the workbench creation process:

  • region
  • zone
  • project_name
  • subnet_name
  • machine_type
  • boot_disk_type
  • boot_disk_size_gb
  • trusted_users
  • image_family
  • owner_id
  • wb_startup_script_name
  • wb_startup_script_bucket

Storage mount points

Storage mount points are configured on the second part of the creation process. This is done via a Django UpdateView form at https://$FRONTEND.URL/workbench/update/## with the main configuration fields disabled as Terraform does not support modification of an existing Vertex AI workbench, the workbench would be destroyed and recreated.

Additionally the mount points are added to the startup script and there is no method in the frontend to re-run this startup script to mount any additional mount points therefore the UpdateView form is only presented during the creation process. Once information on the mount points is collected the startup script can be generated.

Startup script

The startup script is generated by the copy_startup_script() process in cluster_manager/ This process has two parts. The first part is generated using information gathered by the frontend and passes the user's social ID number set by the owner_id field. It also passes any configured mount points into the startup script before the second part of the startup script is copied from infrastructure_files/gcs_bucket/workbench/

The startup script runs the following processes when the workbench instance boots:

  • Query instance metadata for list of users and filter based on the users social ID number to discover the correct format of their OSLogin username.
  • Install nfs-common package via apt-get.
  • Make temporary jupyterhome directory in /tmp/ and set user ownership.
  • Make home directory for the user and set user ownership.
  • Copy Jupyter configuration files from /home/jupyter/.jupyter to /tmp/jupyterhome/.jupyter.
  • Create DATA_LOSS_WARNING.txt file with warning message.
  • Configure specified mount points in order specified on FrontEnd.
  • Add symlink to /tmp/jupyterhome/ which will serve as working directory on the web interface.
  • This process of mounting and symlinking means the mountpoint will appear in both the jupyter notebook web interface working directory and in the expected location in the root filesystem.
  • Append mount points to DATA_LOSS_WARNING.txt file.
  • If /home was not mounted as a mount point then create a symlink to /home in /tmp/jupyterhome.
  • Modify Jupyter config to reflect username and new working directory.
  • Update /lib/systemd/system/jupyter.service systemd service file to reflect username and new working directory.
  • Run systemctl daemon-reload and restart Jupyter service.
  • Without updating the Jupyter config and restarting the service then the Jupyter notebook would be running as the jupyter user. This would break permissions used on any mounted shared storage.